Monday 20 June 2016

Four Things to Consider When Choosing the Best Nail Clippers

Choosing a pair of nail clippers may seem like a no-brainer. After all, we usually just reach for the same pair we’ve been using for years, and don’t even consider replacing them until they’re lost or simply fall apart.

Keep in mind, however, that although how often we need to trim our nails will vary from person to person, it’s a task that we’ll always need to perform to keep up with our personal hygiene.  Whether you’re trimming daily, weekly or bi-weekly, the fact remains that you’re going to be reaching for a pair of clippers on a regular basis for a long, long time.

So why not choose a pair that stands the test of time? Why not choose a pair that’s worth keeping track of? When it comes to choosing the ideal pair of clippers, there are four considerations to make based on your lifestyle, hygiene and personal preferences.

Fingernail vs. Toenail

Many of us are guilty of t
Four Things to Consider When Choosing the Best Nail Clippers


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